Who is Sugar Ninja?

Allow me to introduce myself - Ellen-Marie Barker, the dynamo behind Sugar Ninja cakes. Feel free to drop the formalities and just call me Ellen. While I proudly carry the title of CCO (Chief Cake Officer), truth be told, I wear all the hats in this incredible company except for driving duties—that's expertly handled by my amazing husband, Andy. Picture it as a remarkable one-woman extravaganza.

Now, let me share a glimpse into my background. Though I was born in Peterborough, my upbringing took me on quite the journey. With my father serving in the Army, we embarked on numerous adventures before finally finding our footing in Loughborough, where I spent most of my formative years. Later on, I ventured to Staffordshire for University, and it was there, in 2006, that fate introduced me to my charming husband. Our journey led us down the aisle in 2013, and now we proudly raise four incredible, albeit slightly wild, children together.

Why cakes?


Just like countless other cake artists, my journey began with crafting confections for my children's birthdays. As they grew older, their design requests became increasingly intricate, pushing me to explore the realms of constructing edible structures. Devoting time to honing and perfecting my skills, I soon found myself inundated with cake requests from a widening circle of people. And as fate would have it, one opportunity seamlessly led to another, setting me on a path of sweet success.

Pushing the boundaries

At Sugar Ninja Cakes, I revel in defying conventions and transcending limits. Let us transform your wildest cake fantasies into awe-inspiring masterpieces that steal the spotlight. Your wedding cake should be a true reflection of your unique personalities and love story. So, if you're ready to embark on a mouth-watering adventure that tantalizes your taste buds and leaves your guests utterly mesmerized, look no further. Welcome to Sugar Ninja Cakes, where edible artistry meets extraordinary flavours—a destination where dreams become reality.


Life has a way of presenting us with pivotal moments that prompt introspection. For me, the loss of my father served as a poignant reminder of life's brevity. Despite having a contented existence with a loving husband and a happy, healthy family, I realised I had been playing it safe, avoiding real challenges.

One dream that had always lingered in the back of my mind was to participate in the renowned Cake International competition. Having attended as a spectator before, I marvelled at the immense talent showcased there, yet I never found the courage to enter myself. However, in 2021, I decided it was time to step beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone. To my astonishment, I not only achieved a gold medal but also secured second place within my category. This taste of success propelled me to venture further, eagerly joining collaborations with other talented sugar artists and gaining recognition in esteemed cake magazines.

In 2022, fuelled by my success and a desire to push creative boundaries, I entered Cake International once more, this time challenging myself in the category of "Colourful Wedding Cake." The essence of Cake International lies in embracing creative freedom, allowing us to craft works of art that may or may not align with conventional client preferences, but always with a sense of joy and playfulness. And so, I proudly garnered my second gold award and earned third place within the category.